群雄割拠の時代へ The world of rivalry of powers


No more International Order but simply Rivalry of Powers

2023年秋。事ここに至って未だに国際秩序を模索し、定義しようとしている人々がいる。Pax Americanaはオバマ政権が公式に放棄した。イアン・ブレマーが言うG Zeroはその通りだがこれを秩序とは言えない。東洋の言い方で言えば「群雄割拠」である。

Pax Americanaが崩れた要因と結果を挙げてみよう;

  • 中国の抬頭である。何より経済力と軍事力の強化で、覇権の主要部分を達成し、習近平思想なるもので理念を打ち出し、正に帝国の様相を見せ始めた。
  • 米国の相対的衰退である。ワシントン・コンセンサスが崩れ、格差の許容できないような拡大と移民の流入で社会の均一性が失われ、その結果トランプの米議会襲撃事件に見られる愚行に及び、民主主義の旗頭が倒れ、信憑性が減退した。
  • Global South の伸長が著しく、尚且つ彼らの行動規範は必ずしもG7の基準(民主主義、自由経済、言論の自由、法治等)に合致せず、政治経済その他の面での摩擦が増大している。
  • 他方で地球規模の問題(温暖化、感染症、エネルギー食糧危機等)が緊喫の課題として迫っているが、世界がこれに一致して立ち向かう事が出来ずにいる。
  • ウクライナ・ロシア戦争、ガザ・イスラエル戦争と言った明白な侵略・テロ行為に対し国連安保理が何も対策を打ち出せず機能マヒしている。
  • IT、特にAIの急速な進化は人間の倫理規範の枠に止まらず、核の拡散と共に人類の生存への脅威になりうるが対応が出来ていない。
  • グローバル化がモノ・サービス・情報を超えて、人の移動が不法移民、難民と言った形で大量に発生し、文化摩擦を引き起こしている。




  • 昔は四方の海が日本の独立を守ってくれたが、今は3つの核保有国と日本を恨んでいる隣国に囲まれている以上、日本独力で国を守れない。日本の生存の鍵は同盟にある。日米の強固な同盟、その外周を埋める同志国との連携、友好国の増大が必要となる。
  • 戦後未だ80年弱で、第二次大戦の記憶は未だ消えていない。日本の侵略で被害を受けた外国の民が(3代百年経て)恨みを忘れるまではあと20年ばかりかかる。「歴史を鏡として未来を構築する」ことは中国に言われるまでもなく、日本が常に努めなければならない。敵国条項は発動されうるのだ。
  • 日本は萎えてきている。急速な老齢化と人口減少だけでも経済成長は期待できないが、生産性が上がらない。現代社会はモノ作りからサービス・情報管理へと急速に変化しているが、モノづくりに長けた日本は目に見えないモノ、触れることが出来ないモノを扱う事は極めて不得意である。この習性は変わらない。従って得意分野を増やす必要がある。自動車に加え、航空機、ロケット、武器、原発、人工衛星と言った高付加価値のモノ作りが必要だ。基準作りとか、紛争の仲介とかは不得意だと心得たほうが良い。それより自縄自縛的な武器輸出三原則のようなものは、安全保障上の理由だけではなく日本の将来像のためにもさっさと捨てるべきである。
  • 他方において、日本の特性である「ガラパゴス島症候群」からの離脱努力は必要である。日本は明治維新以来、歴史上3度目の開国の最中だが、真の意味で国際社会からの孤立脱却を目指すのであれば、そして国力の増強を図るのであれば、外国人の流入と定住・帰化は促進すべきである。国内の安定は多少犠牲になるのもやむを得ない。日本人は異人種と暮らすことに慣れるべきだ。



Fall 2023. At this point, there are still people who are searching for and trying to define an international order. Pax Americana was officially abandoned by the Obama administration. Ian Bremer’s G Zero is correct, but it cannot be called order. In Oriental terms, this is “Gun Yu kakkyo.”

Let’s see the causes and results of Pax Americana’s collapse.

1)First, the rise of China, above all. By strengthening its economic and military power, it achieved the main part of hegemony, launched an ideology based on Xi Jinping Thought, and began to take on the appearance of a true empire.

2) The relative decline of the United States. The Washington Consensus has collapsed, society has lost its homogeneity due to the unsustainable widening of inequality and the influx of immigrants, resulting in the folly of Trump’s attack on the U.S. Capitol, toppling the flag of democracy and destroying its credibility as leader of democracy.

3)The growth of the Global South is remarkable, and their codes of conduct do not necessarily match the G7 standards (democracy, free economy, freedom of speech, rule of law, etc.), and friction in political and economic and other areas is increasing.

4)On the other hand, global problems (global warming, pandemic diseases, energy and food crises, etc.) are looming as urgent issues, but the world is unable to come together to confront them.

5)The United Nations Security Council has been unable to take any countermeasures against obvious acts of aggression and terrorism, such as the Ukraine-Russia war and the Gaza-Israel war and is paralyzed.

6)The rapid evolution of IT, especially AI, has not been contained within the framework of human ethical standards, and along with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, it could become a threat to the survival of humanity, but we are unable to respond.

7)Globalization has transcended goods, services, and information, and the movement of people has occurred in large numbers in the form of illegal immigrants and refugees, causing cultural friction.

Solving these issues is not easy. It is simply impossible for over 190 sovereign nations to form these agreements. Because there is no leader. Therefore, from now on, like-minded nations and people only will work together. This inevitably leads to the formation of a wide variety of groups. We live in a time when various alliances are forming in politics, and various blocs are forming in economics. These compete with each other without superiority or inferiority. That’s the key to become a great player. Naturally, there will be mergers and alliances. The enemy of my enemy is the world of my friend.

How will Japan survive in this world? First of all, you have to start learning about yourself. This is an area where Japan is weakest. Living on an isolated island at the edge of the Eurasian continent, there have been times when people have overestimated themselves and lacked an accurate understanding of the world situation. This still remains true today.

Based on that self-reflection;

1)In the past, surrounding seas protected Japan’s independence, but now that Japan is surrounded by three nuclear-armed states and neighboring countries that hold a grudge against Japan, Japan is not able to protect itself on its own. The key to Japan’s survival lies in alliances. We need a strong alliance between Japan and the United States, cooperation with like-minded countries that fill the periphery, and an increase in friendly countries.

2)It has been less than 80 years since the end of the war, and the memories of World War II have not yet disappeared. It will take another 20 years (after 3 generations and 100 years) for the people of other countries who were harmed by Japan’s invasion to forget their resentment. There is no need for China to say that Japan should always strive to “use history as a mirror to build the future.” The enemy state clause may well be invoked in an emergency.

3)Japan is declining. Rapid aging and population decline alone cannot entail economic growth. But worse, Japan’s productivity has been staggering. Modern societies are rapidly changing from manufacturing to services and information industries, but Japan, which is good at manufacturing, is extremely weak at handling things that cannot be visible or tangible. This habit will not change. Therefore, it is essential to increase the number of areas of expertise Japan is possessed with. In addition to automobiles, we need to manufacture high-value-added products such as aircraft, rockets, weapons, nuclear power plants, and satellites. It is wise to remember that the Japanese are not good at things like proposing global standards or mediating international disputes. Instead, things like the Three Principles on Arms Exports, which are self-restrictive, should be quickly abandoned not only for Japan’s security reasons but also for the sake of Japan’s future well-being.

4)On the other hand, it is necessary to make efforts to break away from the “Galapagos Island Syndrome” that characterizes Japan. Japan is in the midst of opening its doors to outside world since the Meiji Restoration for the third time in its history, but if it truly aims to break away from its isolation from the international community and strengthen its national power, it will need an influx of foreigners and their settlement. Naturalization should be promoted. It is unavoidable that domestic stability will be sacrificed to some extent. Japanese people should get used to living with other ethnic groups.

Japanese people should have confidence in the fact that they have a history of absorbing foreign cultures and developing their own unique one.

Nowadays, we are standing at a historic juncture, and if the country’s future guidelines do not follow above mentioned direction, Japan will be up for grabs in the battlefield of great powers.

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